
Dissertation: Weeping for the RES PUBLICA: tears in Roman political culture.

Chapter: Trajan’s tears: reading virtue through emotions. Reading Roman emotions. Visual and textual interpretations. eds. M. Prusac Lindhagen, M. von Ehrenheim, H. (2020).

Chapter: Tiberius and tears: grief and genre. i Usages of the Past in Roman Historiography. eds. Damtoft Poulsen, A & Jönsson, A. (2021).

Popular Science: DNA och etruskernas ursprung. Nygamla svar på ett antikt problem? Medusa 2004:4.

Conference talks (selection)

2011. Irony and humour as Imperial Greek literary strategies. The playful Plutarch. (University of Oxford): Humour and ironic tears in Plutarch’s Lives.

2011. Classical Association Annual Conference. (Durham University): Public tears: the case of Paullus and Perseus.

2011. Emotions in East and West. The cultural history of emotions in pre-modernity II. East and West. (Sabancı University och Bilkent University, Istanbul): Tears and cultural identity in Polybios.

2012. Classical Association Annual Conference. (University of Exeter): Weeping victors in Plutarch: tearful variations of a Hellenistic motif.

2014. Reading emotions. (Swedish Institute in Rome.): Reading reflections of emotions: Porcia’s tears.

2014. Invited talk (Università degli studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale) Tears in Roman Political culture.

2018. Usages of the past in Roman historiography. (Lund University). Grief and genre: the mourning of Tiberius.

2020. Invited talk (Swedish Institute in RomeI. Populism i antikens Rom: Den folklige, folklighet, folket ELLER Plebs, populus, popularer, 2020

Drafts and presenation

To be added.